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We Welcome New Investor

Spreadwings is grateful to welcome a new investor from Europe. One important factor that influence the success of Spreadwings projects is the involvement of outside investors. These investors play...

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Kumari Store

Some time ago Jane’s Kumari Store, a merchandise store, was opened in collaboration with Spreadwings Enterprise in the Philippines. This store, dedicated to selling essential goods such as rice...

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Mary Grace’s Sari Sar

Recently Spreadwings Enterprise collaborated with a woman named Mary Grace for a Sari Sar business. A Sari sar is a small shop in the Philippines similar to a supermarket,...

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Packed Lunch For Employee

Packed Lunch Since April 2023 Spreadwings Enterprise collaborated with a lady in the Philippines, named Joana, to help her grow her Packed Lunch small business. She witnessed the hardships...

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Rice Field Business Woman – Philippines

In a remote village in the heart of the Philippines, where rice fields sprawled like an endless sea, a group of twelve determined women embarked on a journey that...

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The Start Of Dutchy Cream

Nina dreamt of starting her own ice cream in the Philippines. Through Spreadwings she was able to start her own Dutchy Cream shop in the bustling streets of a...

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