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Impact Venture

Venture Capital / Start Ups

Impact Venture

Start Ups & Innovative Ventures are Changing The Future

Our goal is clear: we aim to identify startups that are actively improving people’s lives in key sectors like health, energy, education and training, as well as financial inclusion. By supporting these ventures, we aim to foster an ecosystem that effectively nurtures and scales innovative approaches to addressing social problems.

In order to achieve this ambitious objective, it is crucial that we identify and invest in venture capital investors who share our values and possess the necessary skills to identify and back impactful startups. By partnering with these investors, we can leverage their expertise and networks to amplify the positive impact of our investments.

Furthermore, we understand that creating an environment conducive to innovation requires more than just financial support. That’s why we provide additional resources such as mentorship programs, access to industry experts, and tailored guidance for startups within our portfolio. We believe that by providing comprehensive support, we can help these ventures overcome obstacles and reach their full potential.

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